Budget address breakdown

Gov. JB Pritzker delivered his first budget address to the Illinois General Assembly last Wednesday, proposing a budget that relies on revenue sources that do not yet exist to be balanced. 

Pritzker’s recommended budget has $38.9 billion in revenues for the state in fiscal year 2020, which is slightly above the $38.75 billion in expenditures Pritzker proposed. 

That means the state would have a $155 million surplus. 

“The budget I present to you today is an honest proposal – the costs are not hidden, the revenues I propose are not out of reach, the hole we need to fill is not ignored,” Pritzker, a Democrat, said. 

Pritzker spent the first part of his speech summarizing the state’s dire financial situation. 

He said the state is facing a $3.2 billion budget deficit and more than $15 billion in debt from unpaid bills. He also spoke about the pension crisis facing the state…>>>

Read more in the February 27, 2019, issue.

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James Moss

James is an alumni of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where he graduated summa cum laude with degrees in mass communications and applied communications studies. While in school, he interned at two newspapers and worked at a local grocery store to pay for his education. When not working for the Republic-Times, he enjoys watching movies, reading, playing video games and spending time with his friends.
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