Waterloo School Board has 4 for 3 seats

Voters in Waterloo will be deciding on a fairly competitive race among the Waterloo School Board. The ballot features three incumbents – Neil Giffhorn, John Caupert and James Yaekel – and Lloyd Jarden, who has previously run for a board seat. They are vying for three available four-year positions on the board.

Also on the ballot is Nathan Mifflin, who is running uncontested for a two-year seat. This position was left vacant after the departure of Kim Ahne, whose seat Mifflin currently occupies.

Early voting for the April 1 election is underway now at the Monroe County Courthouse during regular weekday hours and also from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 29.

Here are previews of candidates in the contested school board race.

John Caupert

John Caupert, 57, currently lives in Waterloo, having grown up on a livestock farm near Pinckneyville.

He received a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness economics along with a master’s degree with a focus in agriculture policy.

Just as his education, Caupert’s career has been acutely focused on agriculture. From 2006-2023, he served as executive director of the National Corn to Ethanol Research Center, managing all aspects of day-to-day operations of the research institution. This work involved managing budgets exceeding $7.5 million and a staff of 40-50.

With his work over 17 years, Caupert said he led the commercialization of over 80 technologies, resulting in tens of thousands of direct and indirect jobs being created alongside the generation of over $7 billion in revenue annually.

Since December 2023, Caupert has served as executive director and CEO of the Grain Elevator and Processing Society, a member-driven nonprofit organization representing nearly 4,000 employees of the grain and grain processing industry and the more than 1,150 companies they work for.

Caupert has been married to his partner Jodee for 27 years, and his daughter Jaynanne is a 2023 graduate of Waterloo High School currently attending Lindenwood University to major in education.

His ties to local and area organizations include Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church, Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Corn Growers Association, Growth Energy, Renewable Fuels Association and Southern Illinois University – College of Agricultural and Life Physical Sciences Leadership Committee.

Caupert said he’s seeking re-election as “now, more than ever, experience and electability matter.” He added the board needs a member with experience in board governance, parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order.

On his re-election goals, Caupert said he is focused on what the board can accomplish as a whole. He suggested the board’s focus should be on conducting good board governance in service of the community and district  students, teachers, administrators and coaches.

He indicated three key issues in the school board race: confidence in the board from the community and folks in the district, security for Superintendent Brian Charron’s contract to take him to retirement and sustainability regarding the board having a voice on Illinois’ Tier 2 retirement system. He noted he is the only candidate to have taken a public position on Tier 2.

Arguing why he stands out in the race, Caupert noted his history of having served on elected boards while reporting to elected boards, being on both sides of the table. He also pointed to three decades of experience in fiscal management, with 20 years as a good steward of taxpayer dollars.

Caupert further emphasized the crucial subject areas while the board will address in the next four years, saying “Now’s not the time for an experiment, now’s the time for experience.”

Neil Giffhorn

Neil Giffhorn, 49, is originally from Valmeyer and moved to Waterloo with his family following the Flood of 1993.

He attended Southern Illinois University Edwardsville for a bachelors degree in history, latter attending Saint Louis University School of Law for his Juris Doctorate.

Currently a licensed attorney in both Illinois and Missouri, Giffhorn has worked for the law firm of Keefe & DePauli, P.C., since 2001.

Regarding his family, Giffhorn is the father of Robert, a fourth grader at Rogers Elementary, and Josephine, a Waterloo High School graduate attending SLU. He’s been married to his partner Rachel since 2001, and the family lives in Waterloo because of the “wonderful community and school district.”

Giffhorn has connections to a number of local organizations including serving as Kaskaskia District Chairman for Scouting America, district chairman for Illinois Ducks Unlimited and Monroe County Ducks Unlimited and treasurer for the Monroe County Republican Central Committee. He also noted his family’s connections to youth sports, Cub Scouts and Waterloo Band Parents as well as his work on community boards like the Monroe County Public Buildings Commission and MASC previously.

He explained he is seeking re-election as he feels he owes a tremendous amount to the community and the life his family has enjoyed in it. Giffhorn pointed to the education his children received, saying he wants to continue to assist Waterloo teachers and staff while balancing taxes on the community.

Giffhorn noted three main goals for his re-election, namely assisting the schools so every student can be safe and successful, supporting teachers with the resources they need to ensure student success and balancing the previous needs while retaining an obligation to taxpayers with responsible spending.

Key issues in the race he identified include teacher retention and bringing in new staff while balancing funding through taxes. He noted that the goal for everyone in the school is “a premier education and building good citizens,” with teachers and staff in the district needing the right tools and buildings to continue the success the district already experiences.

In terms of his uniqueness in the race, Giffhorn pointed to his children as an example of the district’s success and a reason why he still has a vested interest. He further mentioned his unique skills evaluating issues from multiple perspectives as an attorney as well as his appreciation for both community schools and fair taxes as a lifelong Monroe County resident.

Lloyd Jarden

Lloyd Jarden, 42, grew up in Bunker Hill near Edwardsville, moving to Waterloo with his family after graduating from college.

He attended Southern Illinois University Edwardsville for a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

He has worked with the Murphy Company for 17 years, currently serving as Vice President of Industrial Construction.

Jarden met his partner Ashley in college, and the couple has three children in fourth, fifth and eighth grade, their daughter and two sons participating in various sports.

He is involved in several community organizations including the Waterloo Sports Association – where he volunteers as a coach – and his family’s church, where he has participated in a number of initiatives. Jarden also noted his support of organizations like Make-A-Wish and the United Way through his workplace.

Jarden explained he’s seeking a position on the board due to the potential he recognizes in the district given he has three children in Waterloo schools. He also mentioned his active attendance at board meetings since 2020, hoping to contribute to his children’s education.

His goals, should he be elected, are to foster positive parent engagement while supporting district teachers, paraprofessionals and support staff. Jarden added his professional experience will ensure responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars, maximizing resources to enhance student learning and improve the educational environment.

Key issues Jarden identified include teacher and employee retention as well as improving communication and transparency. He mentioned having witnessed parents express frustration over issues at board meetings, arguing that “it’s vital for the district to listen before reacting,” and further saying recording school board meetings for parents to access would enhance transparency and foster better relations with the community.

Jarden said he stands out in the race thanks to his fresh perspective and his representation of families with young children – he noted four of the seven board members do not have children in the district. He further spoke to his commitment to maintaining Waterloo’s high standards given his understanding of challenges faced by teachers, students and parents. Jarden added his experience with a major corporation in St. Louis has given him the management skills to maintain budgets and attract and retain teachers and support staff.

James Yaekel

James Yaekel, 53, is a lifelong resident of Waterloo, having graduated from Waterloo High School.

He has, over the years, served as a union laborer, working as an educator, instructor and teacher in the construction safety field.

Yaekel noted his involvement with local organizations including Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church and his status as a Waterloo FFA Alumni member and union laborer with Local 196.

With a particular interest in serving on the district’s Building & Grounds Committee, Yaekel said he hopes to continue keeping the district’s facilities running efficiently for the growing community should he be re-elected.

He noted that the key issues of the race include focusing on youth education and the safety of children and staff in the district. He added that these matters must be handled while effectively maintaining an economical budget for the district and community taxpayers.

Yaekel said he stands out among the race given his 53 years in the community as well as his strong background in education and construction. 

He further noted his approach to each topic in a non-biased way, focusing on making the best decisions for all students.


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