Real Estate Transactions | Feb. 24-28
The location of real estate transactions with only the parcel number listed may be viewed be entering the number on the Monroe County GIS website ‘Parcel Viewer.’ All transactions may be viewed at the Monroe County Clerk’s Office during normal Monroe County Courthouse business hours.
Date: Feb. 24
Grantor: Jonathan Lueking, Lori Lueking
Grantee: Ray Michael, Peggy Ray
Address: 1609 Ontario Drive, Waterloo
Cost: $499,000
Date: Feb. 24
Grantor: Brennan Alderman, Chelsea Alderman, Sausha Alderman,Shannon E. Porter, Shannon Sivongsa, Shyanne Tullis
Grantee: Bridget J. Marshall, Justin D. Marhsall
Address: 2221 G Road, Fults
Cost: $405,000
Date: Feb. 25
Grantee: HBL Epic Investments LLC
Address: 360 Columbia Center, Columbia
Cost: $2,300,000
Date: Feb. 25
Grantor: Vogt Builders INC
Grantee: Alyse N. Mazzola, Anthony T. D. Mazzola
Address: 943 Forbs Drive, Waterloo
Cost: $438,585
Date: Feb. 27
Grantor: Naureen Frierdich, Steven Frierdich
Grantee: Chelsey C. Hermann, Kyle R. Hermann
Address: 225 West Jefferson Street, Columbia
Cost: $435,000
Date: Feb. 28
Grantor: Jennings Management & Promotions LLC
Grantee: E&C Land CO LLP
Parcels: 17-05-300-001, 17-06-400-002, 17-07-200-001, 17-08-100-001
Cost: $850,000
Date: Feb. 28
Grantor: Barbara A. Gerstenecker,
Darryl A. Gerstenecker
Grantee: Alyssa R. Gerstenecker
Address: 432 Hartman Lane, Waterloo
Cost: $210,000