USDA funding options offered
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service announced a funding opportunity for Environmental Quality Incentives Program Landscape Conservation Initiatives and Urban Ag using “Act Now” authority.
Through Act Now, NRCS can quickly fund a ranked application when it meets or exceeds a determined minimum ranking score and continue to fund applications while funds are available.
The Act Now process is available for five ranking pools whose purpose is to use a local or regional process to address conservation goals and make the most impact. Urban Ag meets the same objective and is also being offered with the Act Now process.
The ranking pools that include Monroe, Randolph and St. Clair counties are Northern Bobwhite, Monarch Butterflies and Urban Ag.
The Northern Bobwhite and Monarch Butterflies pools are to establish or improve habitat for these species. The Urban Ag pool is for agricultural land that is in urban or incorporated areas.
Program applications are accepted on a continuous basis, however, EQIP Act Now applications will be accepted through May 30. Applications assessed and ranked by Feb. 13 will be funded if above the established ranking score.
Funding decisions will be made monthly until June or when funds are no longer available.
Producers who have an application on file with your NRCS field office should contact the office if you are interested in competing for any of these EQIP ranking pools.
For information on EQIP or other NRCS programs, contact the local NRCS field office or visit