Child porn, drug charges for Red Bud man

Michael D. Hubbard

A Red Bud man is facing nine total felonies related to child pornography and drugs following an arrest last week by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department.

Michael D. Hubbard, 46, was charged Wednesday in Monroe County Circuit Court with seven counts of possessing child porn (victim under 13), one count of possessing methamphetamine, and one count of possessing fentanyl.

Court information alleges that on Aug. 9, Hubbard possessed photographs of children engaging or simulating sex acts. The child porn charges are Class 2 felonies. According to police, the child porn was discovered on Hubbard’s cell phone.

The meth possession charge is a Class 3 felony, while the fentanyl possession charge is a Class 4 felony.

Hubbard appeared in court Wednesday afternoon for a detention hearing, during which he was denied pretrial release. He remains in custody at the Monroe County Jail in Waterloo.

Per court records, in October 2022, Hubbard was sentenced in Monroe County to five years in the Illinois Department of Corrections (to be served at 50 percent and with credit for 115 days already served) for meth possession.

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