Ag census serves as ‘wake-up call’



The number of farms and farmland in the U.S. continues to fall as the average age of farmers ticks higher.

USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture released earlier this spring serves as a “wake-up call” to policymakers, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said, noting the number of farms plummeted by 142,000 from 2017 to 2022 and the country lost 20 million acres of farmland during that same period.

“This survey is essentially asking the critical question of whether as a country, are we OK with losing that many farms? And are we OK with losing that much farmland?” Vilsack said. “Or is there a better way?”

Nationally, there were 1.9 million farms and ranches (down 7 percent from 2017) with an average size of 463 acres (up 5 percent) on 880 million acres of farmland (down 2 percent). That is 39 percent of all U.S. land.

The report, produced by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, spans more than 6 million data points about America’s farms and ranches and the people who operate them down to the county level. The census dates back to 1840 and is conducted every five years to help tell agriculture’s story and provide valuable data for policymakers.

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said the new census data shows an alarming loss of family farms.

“The latest census numbers put in black and white the warnings our members have been expressing for years,” Duvall said. “Increased regulations, rising supply costs, lack of available labor and weather disasters have all squeezed farmers to the point that many of them find it impossible to remain economically sustainable.

“Family farms not only help drive the economy, they allow the rest of the nation the freedom to pursue their dreams without worrying about whether there will be enough food in their pantries. We urge Congress to heed the warning signs of these latest numbers. Passing a new farm bill that addresses these challenges is the best way to help create an environment that attracts new farmers and enables families to pass their farms to the next generation.”

The data also contained bright spots – including a rise in the number of new and beginning (operating 10 or fewer years on any farm) as well as young (under the age of 35) farmers.

Young farmers made up 9 percent of all producers, with the 221,233 farms with young farmers making decisions tending to be larger than average in both acres and sales.

Illinois also is in line with a decrease in farms and farmland, as well as an aging farmer demographic. The number of farms decreased 2.1 percent to 71,123 (the fifth highest number of farms in the U.S.), with farmland acres falling from 27 million to 26.29 million. The average age of an Illinois farmer rose to 58.6, slightly higher than the national average of 58.1.

Of the 121,342 Illinois farmers, 10,632 are under the age of 35, and 32,538 are new and beginning farmers — an increase from 2017 of 11 percent.

The census also concluded:

• Family-owned and operated farms accounted for 95 percent of all U.S. farms and operated 84 percent of land in farms.

• U.S. farms and ranches produced $543 billion in ag products, up from $389 billion in 2017. With farm production expenses of $424 billion, U.S. farms had net cash income of $152 billion. Average farm income rose to $79,790. A total of 43 percent of farms had positive net cash farm income in 2022.

• The total value of crops in 2022 was $281 billion, up 45 percent from 2017. For livestock, the value was $262 billion, up 35 percent.

• A total of 153,101 farms and ranches used renewable energy producing systems compared to 133,176 farms in 2017, a 15 percent increase. The majority of farms (76 percent) with renewable energy systems reported using solar panels.

• In 2022, 116,617 farms sold products directly to consumers, with sales of $3.3 billion. Value of sales increased 16 percent from 2017.

•Nearly three-fourths of farmland was used by farms specializing in two commodity categories: oilseed and grain production (32 percent) and beef cattle production (40 percent).

The response rate for the 2022 ag census was 61 percent; Illinois’ response rate was 67.5 percent. To read the complete ag census, visit

This story was distributed through a cooperative project between the Illinois Farm Bureau and Illinois Press Association. For more food and farming news, visit

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